This is my personal website, mostly a simple hub to my research and current interests.
My name is Luiz, also spelled Luis, and I’m a Spanish-Brazilian Urban Planner and Engineer, working as a Researcher and University Professor in Rio de Janeiro. My main areas of research in Science and Technology are Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Cadaster.
I’m also an Anglican/Episcopal Priest and Liturgical Scholar, with a special interest in Inculturation and Liturgical Design.
This website concentrates on these aspects of my academic life, but also contains links to social media and other interests.

Here you may find my latest résumé, and pointers to main publications.

Scientific Research
This section contains pointers and links to major research projects I have been involved with, and also to some of my teaching in Science and Technology.

Liturgy and Sacred Art
Here, you will find work I have produced pertaining to Liturgics, Sacred Art and Architecture.

Other interests
A bit more about what I do on my spare time, including a few hobbies and activities.